Drainage Eaux Pluviales Cotonou, Benin
Drainage Eaux Pluviales Cotonou, Benin
Project Overall Goal
Construction of storm water drainage infrastructure in the city of Cotonou (construction of primary collectors, secondary gutters and ancillary works), and paving in several catchment areas, defined in the emergency tranche of the PDA (Plan Directeur d’Assainissement) for the city of Cotonou.
Executive Summary
The project scope consists of the extension and upgrade of the rainwater collection system for several catchment areas (basins) in the city of Cotonou, Benin’s economic capital. The project is part of a larger programme that will cover 34 catchment areas within the city. Under the project to be financed by WB, AFD and EIB, the following works are scheduled: upgrade of the drainage system, construction of circa 20 km new primary collectors, support the coastal banks, construction of secondary gutters, and backfilling the ground next to the canals. It will have significant synergies with other ongoing projects that include the rehabilitation and development of 600km of urban roads; the overhaul and modernization of the global urban waste management system of the principal urban Cotonou communities and the development of Cotonou coast.
The proposed project will be conducive towards: (i) stabilization of the hydrological regime; (ii) the reduction of floods; (iii) the reduction of damages caused by floods; (iv) reducing the prevalence of waterborne diseases; (v) opening up of under-developed neighbourhoods; (vi) extending garbage collection service coverage to neighbourhoods currently not served, and (vii) securing economic activities during the rainy seasons.