Wind Farm Gulf of Suez
Wind Farm Gulf of Suez
Project Overall Goal
Construct a wind farm of up to 200 MW on the Gulf of Suez to increase Egyptian access to electricity from renewable sources.
Executive Summary
The Gulf of Suez Windfarm project involves the design, construction, and commissioning of a 200 MW wind farm located on the west bank of the Gulf of Suez, some 400 km southeast of Cairo with up to 100 turbines to be installed. The 57 km² site is characterised by its arid desert conditions and has very favourable wind resources. The EUR 334 million project is financed by several European donors, including the EIB (EUR 115 million subsequently reduced to EUR 93 million), the AfD (EUR 50 million), the European Commission (EUR 30 million), KfW, and the Government of Egypt. KfW provided technical assistance for feasibility studies, including ornithological studies to protect the habitat of migratory birds. The project is expected to be completed in 2023. It is structured as a PPP.
The project is expected to generate 650MW/year, which will cover the electricity needs of 370,000 people, and avoid 288,000 tons of carbon emissions annually. The project responds to the need for more renewable energy articulated in Egypt’s NDC as well as other national policy.
A strong enabling environment for PPPs in the energy sector and the client’s (NREA) high capacity for contracting and managing PPP projects contributed to the success of the project.