Green Climate Fund
Green Climate Fund
Fund Overall Goal
The GCF was established by 194 governments within the UNFCCC framework in order to limit greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Sectoral Focus
GCF has eight “result areas” that cover both adaptation and mitigation initiatives, and provide a reference point to guide the GCF and its stakeholders in project development. The results areas are as follows:
Adaptation: Health, food, and water security; livelihoods of people and communities; infrastructure and built environment; and ecosystems and ecosystem services.
Mitigation: Energy generation and access; transport; buildings, cities, industries, and appliances; and forests and land use.
Access criteria
GCF investment criteria: Impact potential, paradigm shift potential, sustainable development potential, needs of the recipient, country ownership, and efficiency and effectiveness.
Private and public sector entities can submit proposals for consideration for funding by the GCF Board.
Operates through network of Accredited Entities (as of September 2022, there are 113 total entities approved for accreditation) and delivery partners who design and implement projects.
National Designated Authorities (NDAs) are government institutions serving as the interface between each country and the Fund.
Combination of grants, contingent grants, concessional loans, equity, guarantees and result-based finance to leverage blended finance and crowd-in private investment.