Dr. Mark Carney
“Limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius requires the mobilization of enormous capital to emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). That is now possible because of the commitments of private financial institutions around the world to catalyze and finance the energy transition. However, barriers remain to getting that capital to where it is needed the most. The Sharm El-Sheikh Guidebook for Just Financing identifies the key reforms to overcome these barriers, providing essential recommendations at this critical juncture for EMDEs. GFANZ welcomes this Guidebook and will work to implement its recommendations through Country Platforms, Just Energy Transition Partnerships and other catalytic initiatives such as the CFLI. Building on the significant resources that GFANZ members are dedicating to the Indonesian and Vietnamese JETPs and Egypt’s Country Platform, GFANZ looks forward to working with a wide range of countries and stakeholders to ensure that the energy transition is truly just and global.”